miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

Skinput, becoming your arm into a touchscreen

I've received at home a copy of ACM XRDS Magazine, and wow!!!, it's really impressive one issue treated there. The article name is "Interfaces on the Go".

As I said, I got shocked 'cause it's something I never expected, Microsoft and Canergie Mellon's HCI Institute have been hard working in this research. 
I see that Microsoft is more than just Windows OS'es and Office software.

There's one new concept that it's being introduced, micro-interactions that refers to interactions that take a lower time to initiate and complete (tipically lesser than 4 seconds, this time it's to compare with interaction with cellphones or similar devices interaction), so that the user can quickly return to the task at hand.
There are a couple of techniques that are being developed:
  1. Muscle-computer interfaces.
  2. Bio-acustic sensing.
Most impressive technique to me is Bio-acustic sensing 'cause it's a technique that allows the skin (yes!!, the skin) to be used as a finger input surface, that's why it's name is Skinput. Regardless of it it seems that it's better to understand an image rather than a speech.

Please forgive me if I have misspellings, I'm just trying to improve my English so I decided start posting in this language.

Original source: XRDS Magazine, summer 2010 issue 16.4

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