lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Adobe Fireworks for Linux

¿Qué es Adobe Fireworks?
Fireworks CS3 es una herramienta de diseño fácil de usar. Crear y editar imágenes vectoriales así como imágenes de mapa de bits (.bmp). Los cambios se pueden modificar en cualquier momento, y el resultado final puede ser optimizado para algunas resoluciones de pantalla en específico.
Trabaje más rápido con mejoras de rendimiento significativas, incluyendo un mayor control sobre la ubicación del píxel de elementos de diseño, apertura y guadrado de archivos mejorado, actualizado operación símbolo, y más rápido de mapa de bits y operaciones de vectores.
Si usted está acostumbrado a usar Adobe Fireworks en el sistema operativo Windows, ahora bien lo puede hacer bajo el ambiente Linux con el uso de la aplicación wine, bajo la instrucción:

$wine fireworks.exe
Los prerrequisitos son precisamente wine, descargable desde aquí.
En tanto que Adobe Fireworks CS3 puede descargarlo desde aquí.

Fuente Original:

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

QT for Android

Thanks to "Linux Magazine en Español" for sharing this link about this new framework named "Necessitas", this framework will allow us to deploy QT applications into Android platforms but unfortunately it's an Alpha phase, so it's not suggested to start developing.

Original text can be found here.

I had a dream that one day, I'll be able to deploy existing Qt
software on any Android platform.
I had a dream that one day, all Qt applications will use system wide
shared Qt libraries.
I had a dream that one day, all Qt applications once compiled and
deployed to one android platform, will run on any other newer android
platform and will last for years without any recompilation.
I had a dream that one day, I'll be able to create, manage, compile
debug and deploy Qt apps using a first class citizen IDE.
Now, those dreams become reality.
Ladies and Gentlemen I have the honor and the privilege to announce
the immediate availability of *NECESSITAS* suite.
What does „ncecessitas” mean and what is it?
 Necessitas is a latin word (Roman goddess of necessity) and it means:
necessity. It has more profound and powerful meanings, please check:
you'll understand what I mean :). Why don’t I  use "Qt" and/or
"Android" words? Because Nokia "recommended" me NOT to use "Qt",
because more than 4 weeks ago I sent a mail to Google about "android"
word and I get didn’t get an answer until now. Why latin? I don't
know, maybe because I'm a latin :)
 I also bought a domain name for this project it's called
"", yes another latin word :) (http://, it means
freedom, liberty. I choosed as domain name and necessitas
as a subdomain because I don't want to stop here :).
Necessitas is a Qt suite for Android platform containing the following
 - Ministro (

latin=ministro) is a system wide qt libraries installer/provider (you
can download the latest version from
 - Qt framework.
 - Qt Creator for Android. (you cand download the package from
). For a seamless
debugging exepience I recommend you to replace official gdb with a
newer one from:

Thanks to Damien Buhl, you can find high quality documentation at
. Thank you again
fellow, without your help this release would not have been possible.
Before we get further I want to be crystal clear: This is an ALPHA
release! Is not meant to be used in production, PLEASE don't deploy
apps on Android Market because THE API IS NOT STABLE, please wait
until Nokia (or us) will ship at least a beta version! I deployed a qt
example (Animatedtiles) to Android Market ONLY to test Ministro
package promise, but it will be removed soon.
So, why this release is that important?
IMHO, for this project, this is the MOST important release ever, why?
Because now I'll put in your hands all the tools you need to begin
hacking on this project, and also to begin working on your apps,
because now, I hope, all the skeptic folks out there, will see the
potential of this project and will join us. Because Qt API is not
frozen yet, and if we need to add some API to Qt framework, now we
have a good chance to push them to upstream Qt.
Also I want to make clear one more thing, this project is community
work, Nokia and/or Google are not involved directly (yet, I hope :P )!
Also, I'm very grateful to Google because they made a wonderful truly
*free* O.S., I'm very grateful to Google because they have open minds
and they allowed this to happen, I'm very grateful to Trolltech and
Nokia because they made the best C++ framework ever: Qt framework, I'm
very grateful to Trolltech and Nokia because they made a first class
IDE for that framework.
Now the boring technical part:
What is done:
 It was the most critical missing piece of this project, without it
this project is almost worthless, this installer/provider is the
guarantee that all your apps will run on ALL android platforms WITHOUT
any modification! (ok, you also can compile qt statically (or worst
put all qt libs into your apk) but your application will target only
one andriod platform).
How it works:
 - when your application starts, it searches for Ministro service, if
the service is not installed, your applications will open the android
market and request user to install it (it also starts the search for
the user).
 - (after the service is installed) the application connects to
Ministro service, it  gives a list of qtmodules and waits
(patiently :) ) for Ministro's callback.
 - Ministro downloads all necessary libraries (only if they are
missing), and callbacks the application and gives it a list with all
necessary libraries to run.
 - the application loads all libraries provided by Ministro service
and finally it starts.
Known issues:
Sometime it receives corrupt data from the server (I didn't had enough
time to investigate this problem, I just try to download it again).
Qt Framework:
 - Most of Qt framework is ported or in progress. This relase is
shipped only with "sw" platform plugin.
 "sw" - comes from SingleWindow, this plugin uses only one Android
native window to draw all qt top level windows (IT DOESN'T mean you
can't have more then one top level window in Qt, like dialogs, menus,
combo-boxes, etc. ). Actually this plugins uses Nokia's framebuffer
implementation (IMHO this is very good because we don't need to
maintain our own plugin), I only made simple connections between
Nokia's plugin and android system. The ONLY problem this plugin has,
is that  it doesn't support hardware acceleration so no OpenGL. For
OpenGL I need to resurrect "mw" plugins, I'll do it after sw plugin
will be production stable.
 - The java part is cleanup and it provides only necessary
implementation for sw plugin.
"eu.licentia.necessitas.industius" (

cgi-bin/ is the package name for qt
framework java part and probably
"" (

bin/ will be for QtMobility part.
Qt Creator for Android:
I think the following five words will discribes perfectly what is it:
Create, Manage, Compile, Deploy, Debug.
There are a lot of things to tell you about Qt framework <--> Qt
Creator integration, sadly my English is not good enough to do it, so
I'll let this images to speak for me: or
if you prefere youtube:

(youtube video was speedup al little bit to fit in 15 minutes youtube
Known issues:
Sometime it hangs big time, it seems I've done something wrong
there :)
Necessitas SDK.
Known issues:
You must install it into /opt/necessitas folder.
For some misterious reason, the uninstaller, doesn't remove the icon
from your desktop.
Before I end this announce I'd like to thanks you all for your support
and consideration. Also, I want to apologizes, because it took such a
long time to release this SDK, but please understand that is very hard
to do everything almost alone (and don't forget, I had to do it only
in my free time, it doesn't mean I hate my job, I'm happy with my
current job, with what I'm doing every day (even if is not directly
related with qt, but keeps my brain in good shape), I'm proud to be
part of a great top developers team). It is extremely hard to think to
big things and also to be very carefull to the details, that’s why
you'll probably find a lot of stupid bugs, I also apologize for that
too. Also, I want to thank to all pure souls, who helped me with this
I have a dream today, I have a dream that now, you'll be convinced by
this project’s potential and you'll join us in this beautiful journey,
and together, will finish this wonderful project. (Now it’s time for
you to say: keep on dreaming, sonny, keep on dreaming :) )
Seriously, now you have to decide what you want to do: you want to buy
Elot Savior bullshit about WP Nokia phones, and start learning a new
language made in Micro$oft labs, and silly-light (oh, sorry, shitty-
light, sorry again, one more try: silverlight, whew, is hard ..)API,
with, God knows how many, hidden patents which they will use them to
sue you, when they'll go down (see what happened with Google when they
tried to used java)? Or you want to stay with the most advanced and
free language and with the most advanced c++ framework and (soon) to
target millions of real phones (this phones are in peoples hands, now,
not in the Elot's dreams!), with the most used mobile O.S out there?
It's your choice!
The most immportant links:
New project page:

Necessitas SDK:

For a seamless debugging exepience don't forget to replace official
gdb with a newer one from:

Thanks to Damien Buhl, you can join the documentation at

A small screencast showing you what we accomplished until now:
or if you prefer youtube:

Todo list for all projects:

I'd like to end this announce with some quotes (which I like very
Albert Einstein: "Only a life lived for others is a life worth while"
A pure soul on the net added to that: "Happiness is nothing unless you
have someone to share it with. Those who only live and care for
themselves end up miserable and lonely"
Linus tolvalds: "Software is like sex; it's better when it's free."
Thank you for your patience, support and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
BogDan Vatra.
P.S. With your permission I would like to dedicate (only :P ) this
release version to my son Radu, I had to sacrifice some of our free
time to make this happen, so, this is how I can thank him ! 

A few videos about this.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Wireshark, manual de uso para análisis de tráfico

Acabo de encontrar un manual de wireshark(sniffer) que parece estar muy bueno, la verdad es que tampoco se utilizar el sniffer a toda su capacidad, así que voy a leerlo, sin embargo aquí lo comparto para quien sea administrador de redes y requiera aprender a usar esta herramienta.

Lo pueden descargar en PDF desde aquí.

Sin embargo también puede ser visualizado aquí mismo en el blog.


Haz clic en el centro de la imagen para verlo en pantalla completa.

jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011

Solución: "org.hibernate.hql.ast.querysyntaxexception is not mapped from" en español

Ya entrado en esto del Hibernate, me he dado cuenta que metí completamente la pata al querer realizar una consulta en HQL (Hibernate Query Languaje), como sabrán, si vamos a hacer una consulta equivalente al SQL por ejemplo: 
select * from registro_usuarios;
Su equivalente en HQL es:
from RegistroUsuarios  
OJO por favor, en la consulta HQL escribimos "RegistroUsuarios" en lugar de "registro_usuarios", esto es porque se hace referencia al bean (o bien a la clase, para los no natos) que mapea a la tabla "registro_usuarios". Si comenten el error de escribir la consulta HQL de la manera:

from registro_usuarios

entonces obtendrán la espantosa excepción:
org.hibernate.hql.ast.querysyntaxexception registro_usuarios is not mapped from Registro_Usuarios

Bueno espero que les haya sido de ayuda, saludos... 

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

RUR-PLE, aprendiendo a usar phyton tanto niños como adultos

Pues bien, gracias a una noticia de nuestros amigos de Linux Magazine en Español, me he enterado que existe este proyecto llamado "RUR-PLE". Como sabemos, aprender a programar en una computadora debiera ser fácil, tanto para adultos como para niños (aunque recuerden esto: cualquiera puede aprender a programar pero no todos aprenden a desarrollar software). RUR-PLE es un ambiente de desarrollo diseñado especialmente para ayudarnos a programar utilizando Phyton como el lenguaje de codificación. Dentro del mundo de la Inteligencia Artificial aprenderás lo que significa crear un programa de computadora, para lo cual se utilizará un pequeño robot, el cual puede desarrollar varias tareas (virtualmente por supuesto).

La página oficial del proyecto la puedes encontrar en dos sitios (al parecer el de google es el más reciente) :
Fuente: Linux Magazine en Español

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Aircrack en Slackware

Desde hace unos años que aprendí a usar el air-crack para obtener contraseñas de Infinitum, la verdad es que no tiene mucha ciencia el saber usarlo cuando tienes una buena referencia. 
En mi caso siempre lo he hecho con slackware desde la versión 12.0 hasta la actual 13.1

Pero qué es Aircrack?
Es una suite de herramientas que permiten hacer auditoría para redes inalámbricas (wireless), esto es bajo el protocolo 802.11 con cifrado WEP o WPA-PSK (aunque la verdad a estas redes no les he puesto atención), la forma en que lo hace es colocando la tarjeta inalámbrica en modo promiscuo y capturando todos los paquetes de la red que le especifiquemos, para después aplicarle precisamente aircrack. Cabe resaltar que aircrack no es el único programa utilizado para realizar la auditoría de redes inalámbricas.

Aquí dejo un manual de aircrack paso a paso en español, lo puedes descargar desde aquí.
Asimismo dejo un excelente repositorio de paquetes para Slackware (en mi opinión es el mejor) en la mayoría de las versiones de la distro, está en italiano, pero la verdad es de los mejores que he encontrado:

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Ganador de Libro en Michoacan

Habrán de saber, que el día de hoy he sido notificado que he ganado un libro gracias al sorteo mensual de la página 101 Free Tech Books.
Pueden acceder a la página 101 Free Tech Books para registrarse y entrar al sorteo donde pueden ser ganadores aquí.
La verdad es que soy muy escéptico en esta clase de cosas, sin embargo ya aparecí en la página oficial de ganadores.